I've been getting really lazy lately with my posts, like 1 or 2 pics or vids.
Not really saying much. I don't write essays like I used to, but I'm not just gonna
give you guys a picture book.
We'll start off with good news. Supposedly, my surprise pack from HUF came in today, not so bad for 10. I didn't get no samples or anything like that, but hey. Pretty good, needed some new hats.
Waiting on a second one, if there IS a second one, cause I sent both of my 10 dollar money orders on the same day. Maybe this is a 20 dollar box. Dunno. Anyone got suggestions for what I should do with the stickers? Send me suggestions, you know how to contact me.
Later on, going to some "Hip Hop" concert meeting thing I guess w/the youth.
IFYOUREREADINGTHIS: Don't worry. I'm gonna ask him tonight. We'll get this worked out, I promise! [Sorry, no pics. We talked over this.]
Pretty good post, I think they should always be like this. Keeps the blog good w/content.
SF tomorrow, maybe i'll pick up another package. Who knows.
till then,
be chill
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