Art, just working on sketches. Get to listen to iPods in the class so you can focus more and keep quiet..good idea by my art teacher. Used my old iPod shuffle, you know the clip on ones?
I had some classics in there..
Ginuwine - Differences
Common - The Light
Cartel - Say Anything Else
just a few to start with. I still listen to them now, but it was nice to know that my music taste didn't suck THAT much back then in 8th/9th grade.
Math class, did nothing..
AP Lit, went over tests, did horrible.. 28/45, but she curved it to 37 cause everyone did so bad. So I actually did pretty good in this case. Good stuff for failing.
Spanish, Senorita Landeza was talking about how a freshman in her class came into her class early one day and told her she was sad. When Senorita Landeza asked how come, she told the teacher that "The college I really want to go worried that even if I do get all A's this year and do a bunch of clubs, there might be a chance its all for nothing cause its not gonna guarantee I got in." This makes a lot of sense.
The stereotype is that people with all A's or star atheletes will automatically be given a slot into the top universities. I know y'all who follow College Sports on ESPN know what schools I'm talking about.. Cal, Stanford, UCLA, USC, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Syracuse, Villanova, Florida, Texas University, Oregon University, ect can go on forever.
Just having good grades doesn't cut it anymore. Thats why students now- take my advice. Although I'm only a junior, I'm taking it as serious as if I were a senior getting ready to leave.
Do as many extra curriculars as you can, but as a balancing act. Be competitive with your classes, take another year of a foreign language, get another elective in..anything to give you an edge.
Colleges that are more higher end will expect more of you, expecting you to be able to handle all the workloads and time constraints they give you. Its a fact of life that not everything is gonna be easy, and you're gonna be forced to work with people you don't like sometimes, it happens. Another tip: Be social. Being a closed-in nerd with all AP classes and SAT Scores that are perfect won't necessarily mean you can handle it alone in college. Ask for help, make friends, these are all things that will help you learn how to work with people.
This is what can result from your efforts. Through a lot of emailing and internships, I received an email from UC Davis, interested in what I had to offer them.
I received also similar letters from University of Oregon, San Diego State, SF Art Institute, and several private institutions [Faith Based.].
While I was enjoying this while it happened, I had to wake up and realize that they can still deny my enrollment should they see I stop improving, or start doing worse. So, that means I gotta push even harder. In a race, you start putting in everything you have and MORE when you see the finish line, rather than slow down. If you were to slow down cause you were nearing the finish line, people will start passing you up, and you might not succeed then.
Ms.Landeza has a very good point and I was glad she brought this up. It kept me thinking all day.
Lunch, more college talk..lmao, me and a few friends were arguing who the best schools in the Pac-10 and Big East were. coughvillanovauclacough
AP US History, just regular lecture. I'm studying for the test today as I speak.
Psychology, finished watching a movie called Memento. VERY trippy. Anyone who has seen Shutter Island and enjoyed it, this is up there. The director was an indie director, until this came out. It got so popular that he became a big time director for last summer's blockbuster: The Dark Knight.
As far as school goes, that was all that happened.
When I got home, tried out the fit test for Insanity.
...It was pretty hard. For only an 8 minute workout, it got my muscles hurting pretty badly.
The warmup on its own was enough to get my heartbeat up to 100bpm.
Each workout was only 1 minute long, but high reps and power, no rest break.
Hopefully P90X had trained me enough to get through all 60 days of this..
Before I go, everyone should try using Pandora Radio.
You type in an artist or song you really like, and only plays songs really similarly to it.
Its a great way to find new music, and stay focused cause you don't waste your time changing the songs you don't like to something better like I do.
All the songs I've gotten from it so far [underground heads you're welcome]
who am i - sound providers
morning of america - blue scholars
let go - braille
zen approach - dj krush
special - strange fruit project
flowin - jazz addixx
another day - living legends
say now - emc
time - hi-tek
who got it - inspectah deck
lovin' it - little brother
classic rock - giant panda
high john [instrumental] - mf doom
push on - surreal & the sound providers
my story [instrumental] - kero one
don't feel right - the roots
cali cruisin - strange fruit project
good fun - living legends
one chance - zion i
vinca rosea [instrumental] - mf doom
thank you - nujabes
these words - panacea
how to fish - dela
mr.nice guy - kenn starr
parachutes - strange fruit project
lately - felonious
out da club - people under the stairs
check the blueprints [instrumental] - kero one
voodoo child [dj premier remix] - dj cam
automaton - cyne
place to be - surreal & the sound providers
apsire - da ranjahz
acid raindrops - people under the stairs
crowd pleasa - el da sensei
elements of style - all natural
lost - cool calm pete
dope transmission - sound providers
push - common market
watch how it go down - termanology
it don't stop - j-live
fine and free - guru
you can't stop me now - rza
smoke & mirrors - rjd2
kick, push - lupe fiasco
space hoes - danger doom
next levels - king geedorah
step it up - supastition
hard times - doujah raze
logical - jeru the damaja
no future - 9th wonder & buckshot
people - common
re-fresh - common market
replay - visioneers
I'm tired. But I gotta study.
be chill