I'm sorry. I messed up. Grades and my parents got to me, and though you came out to me
in kindness, I blew up on you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's only hurting us both.
Won't you come talk to me about this?
I'm never speaking up again
It only hurts me
I'd rather be a mystery
Than she desert me
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, 3/22/09
I wish I was in this pic, but I guess its my calling to be taking these things,
not to be in them. HAHAH
Today was Delano's visiting day/Kuya Jon's farewell type of gathering. He spoke to us about his personal testimony, Chelsie included! It was nice to hear from them all. As much as we'll miss Kuya Jon, FSB needs them more. LBFC has more than enough leaders to take care of us all.
On top of that, I didn't get a chance this weekend to talk to her.
I could sense she was upset, or didn't want to deal with me, or something..
But whatever it was, I just want a chance to talk it out. Why won't you answer your phone?
I call and call, and it rings, I know you hear me calling you. But you just refuse to answer me.
It's not that I'm mad, that's the last thing I'll ever be with you. I just want to know if you still care. Nothings changing. I can still wait for you. You're important enough to me for me to make
that statement. I mean it. You're on and off with me, but I still cling to you. I have everything I can want! Like I said before, it's you I lack. I pray that you can come back to me. That I can get a text..or call..or SOMETHING back. If nothing, I'll take it you're just done. But I still won't give up. Not yet.. You just don't understand how much I'm willing to go through for you! I know you have a lot to think about, but then again who doesn't? Just give me some thought..like how I give you every night.. ..I really do think that way.
On top of that, I didn't get a chance this weekend to talk to her.
I could sense she was upset, or didn't want to deal with me, or something..
But whatever it was, I just want a chance to talk it out. Why won't you answer your phone?
I call and call, and it rings, I know you hear me calling you. But you just refuse to answer me.
It's not that I'm mad, that's the last thing I'll ever be with you. I just want to know if you still care. Nothings changing. I can still wait for you. You're important enough to me for me to make
that statement. I mean it. You're on and off with me, but I still cling to you. I have everything I can want! Like I said before, it's you I lack. I pray that you can come back to me. That I can get a text..or call..or SOMETHING back. If nothing, I'll take it you're just done. But I still won't give up. Not yet.. You just don't understand how much I'm willing to go through for you! I know you have a lot to think about, but then again who doesn't? Just give me some thought..like how I give you every night.. ..I really do think that way.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday Recap x Friday Recap
Recycled pic, but it'll have to do.
Thursday was just straight up long and boring. I was anxious all day, getting ready for the meet. At 7th period, Mrs.Barth wouldn't let me go because Coach Hubbs didn't put me in the email by accident. We were only released 15 minutes earlier, but someone from my class who came back from the bathroom told me that he saw a bunch of people wearing track sweats getting ready to start leaving.. so I started freaking. I took time in class to change into my uniform and put my trainers on. As soon as the bell rang, I sprinted out of the door, and luckily for me they were all just getting dressed. I was on schedule again.
It was a while before Willow Glen came in, because they were running late, no buses so they drove in by car. We won. I did pretty decent, 15.11 on long jump.
Didn't bother to check my triple and high, lol.
Did 4x1 for fun. End Thursday.

You've been on the mind for a minute..can't you see you're in every part of my day?
From breakfast after I wake up, to before I fall asleep, you're all I think about.
It was a while before Willow Glen came in, because they were running late, no buses so they drove in by car. We won. I did pretty decent, 15.11 on long jump.
Didn't bother to check my triple and high, lol.
Did 4x1 for fun. End Thursday.
You've been on the mind for a minute..can't you see you're in every part of my day?
From breakfast after I wake up, to before I fall asleep, you're all I think about.
Not a lot of people came to school today because of the threats. The swastika, the cut down trees, the white powder, all of which gabe everyone excuse from going to school. Having the typical school-strict asian parents I have, nonetheless I still had to go to. From periods 2-4, under 10 people were attending. 5 and 6? Not much higher, but still higher numbered 12-15ish. Didn't bother going to Mrs.Barth's class in 7th, cause she's an idiot. She's getting on my nerves big time.
Next year I won't have to deal with them, cause I'll have REAL teachers.
Went to youth hour.....I felt bummed. Everyones doing something, all I'm doing is what I always do- taking pictures and taping what goes on. Left out, but it's all good because everyone is putting their dedication into doing God's work. Word. ....Talked to Angelica. Man, you couldn't believe how happy I was when she stopped me. 90% of the time I was there, I was just sitting down and wanting to leave. I hope and pray I don't have this same attitude when it happens tomorrow. Everyone will be there, and I'll be the only one not laughing and having fun.
... and to you, I'm glad we had that talk. I know you're still unsure about things, but like I've told you before so many times, I'm always going to be here for you even if you decide in the end it isn't me. I love you and I hope you realize that I ain't going nowhere.
Be chill
Next year I won't have to deal with them, cause I'll have REAL teachers.
Went to youth hour.....I felt bummed. Everyones doing something, all I'm doing is what I always do- taking pictures and taping what goes on. Left out, but it's all good because everyone is putting their dedication into doing God's work. Word. ....Talked to Angelica. Man, you couldn't believe how happy I was when she stopped me. 90% of the time I was there, I was just sitting down and wanting to leave. I hope and pray I don't have this same attitude when it happens tomorrow. Everyone will be there, and I'll be the only one not laughing and having fun.
... and to you, I'm glad we had that talk. I know you're still unsure about things, but like I've told you before so many times, I'm always going to be here for you even if you decide in the end it isn't me. I love you and I hope you realize that I ain't going nowhere.
Be chill
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Via Google.
Today zoomed by real fast, which might've been a good thing if I didn't have so many things going on tomorrow. Technically since its 1am right now, its already tomorrow.
Spanish was decent, got a lot of work done and hopefully it'll stay that way. Didn't get the chance to talk to her because we were working the whole time, but hopefully on Friday I can talk to Senora Baeza.
4th was okay, Math wasn't really the exciting today for me. Mrs.Santos knows how to blend in well..she looks like a student when she sits in the desks, everyone was going ?? looking for her.
6th was soooo dead. I was sleeping 70% of the time, and everyone in the back along with me also. Usually one of my better classes, but today not so much.
Practice was..kind of..good? We did our 'pre meet' warm up, a lap around the track and we split into two circles, giving 'high fives' as we run to the middle of the field and all do jumping jacks together as one team. After we do Cougar Spellout, we run to the middle and on 3 we go COUGAR.
I'm on the list for high and long jump. I'm feeling good about long jump, but not so much for high.
Hopefully someone can bring it home for us on high..that isn't me, LOL.
My form isn't very good, but I have confidence that I can go over it.
I talked to Deajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj today.
It was good. What's not good?
I'm sick. Yeah, the day before the meet. I'm sick.
Cough, runny nose, stuffed up..the works,
I'm sickk as a dog, because I left the window open the night before. Fail.
If I just eat a good breakfast, drink lots of juice, and take medicine I'll be good..hopefully.
Pics will be provided after my meet.
Till then, imma just get a quick bite and then crash..
Be chill
Spanish was decent, got a lot of work done and hopefully it'll stay that way. Didn't get the chance to talk to her because we were working the whole time, but hopefully on Friday I can talk to Senora Baeza.
4th was okay, Math wasn't really the exciting today for me. Mrs.Santos knows how to blend in well..she looks like a student when she sits in the desks, everyone was going ?? looking for her.
6th was soooo dead. I was sleeping 70% of the time, and everyone in the back along with me also. Usually one of my better classes, but today not so much.
Practice was..kind of..good? We did our 'pre meet' warm up, a lap around the track and we split into two circles, giving 'high fives' as we run to the middle of the field and all do jumping jacks together as one team. After we do Cougar Spellout, we run to the middle and on 3 we go COUGAR.
I'm on the list for high and long jump. I'm feeling good about long jump, but not so much for high.
Hopefully someone can bring it home for us on high..that isn't me, LOL.
My form isn't very good, but I have confidence that I can go over it.
I talked to Deajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj today.
It was good. What's not good?
I'm sick. Yeah, the day before the meet. I'm sick.
Cough, runny nose, stuffed up..the works,
I'm sickk as a dog, because I left the window open the night before. Fail.
If I just eat a good breakfast, drink lots of juice, and take medicine I'll be good..hopefully.
Pics will be provided after my meet.
Till then, imma just get a quick bite and then crash..
Be chill
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
This week is going to be hectic.
I need to start doing some serious work,
like...if there was any day I meant that I needed
to start work, I would say it's today[tonight.]
Its 4 am, I have to wake up in 2 hours but I'm used to that.
My sleep pattern is pretty messed up since I slept at like
~6, when I got back from practice.
Woke up at like 11, 12-ish so its typical that I'm staying up.
Plans for the day-
-Talk to Mrs.Rabago and change my English 3 to AP Lit.
-Talk to Senora Baeza about my late assignments.
-Talk to Mrs.Santos and ask for future work I can do[failing currently]
-Convince parents to buy me these Wtaps I see for cheap online.
-Practice practice practice my jump off. I messed up so badly today.
I feel as though I'm not going to be doing much.
But it's all good. I can take pictures, love what I do do what I love.
Need a LENS though. The kit is NOT going to do it.
I need a grip also, on the real. Its feeling imbalanced with the rest of the camera.
To cop list for the week:
-Those vans on ebay.
-OG Black/Neon Huf fitted.
I'm addicted to John Mayer's song, My Stupid Mouth.
And not cause Passion did a cover on it via Youtube. I've listened to it before then,
and I guess I love it now cause I can relate to it.
"Oh, the way she feels about me has changed Thanks for playing, try again. How could I forget? Mama said "think before speaking" No filter in my head"
I miss Jessica Kim. I miss Ashley! I miss Angel. Man, I even miss Kasie..
All of you, I miss you dearly. I talk to all of you, but it just doesn't seem like enough.
I have to see you all. All of you have parts of me that I can't get from anyone else!
I'll be praying for you guys, the concert, and everyone else. Hit me up for a prayer request, or if you're selling anything on my WTB on ISS hah.
Anyways guys this is all just from staying up too late, and I guess I think too much
When I have nothing else better to do. Time to write my History movie Response, then
off to dreamworld after a snack lulz.
Be chill
All of you, I miss you dearly. I talk to all of you, but it just doesn't seem like enough.
I have to see you all. All of you have parts of me that I can't get from anyone else!
I'll be praying for you guys, the concert, and everyone else. Hit me up for a prayer request, or if you're selling anything on my WTB on ISS hah.
Anyways guys this is all just from staying up too late, and I guess I think too much
When I have nothing else better to do. Time to write my History movie Response, then
off to dreamworld after a snack lulz.
Be chill
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Pickup pt. 7
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Bay Area
Scootered to Eastridge, met up with Mikey and Pat.
Fail, carrying 4 bottles of soda with you in a gym bag and having to carrying
a backpack with items still in it.
Oh well, heres some pics of the day

We were walking up to the food court to get some McDonalds.
I didn't have money tho, so I ate 2 bags of Funyuns and water.
Pat's d60 with my filter.
Fail, carrying 4 bottles of soda with you in a gym bag and having to carrying
a backpack with items still in it.
Oh well, heres some pics of the day
We were walking up to the food court to get some McDonalds.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Commitment pt. 2 x Pickup pt. 6
Spike up, kiddies.
Looked on schoolloop.
My grades are distgusting.
I know I can do so much better, but I don't know why they're so low.
I need to start doing way way way better,
if I want to go to another invitational, or even be ON the team.
Tomorrow I plan to talk with teachers I have low grades in.
The rest I can ease up a little, for now. Since tomorrow is grade cut offs.
All I want to do is do good in school now and get fit/buff.
Lawls, the looking good and dressing up comes next.
I guess.
Goals for today/tomorrow:
-Do late hw for Santos and ask about grades
-Finish Gliozzo hw and ask about grades
-Stay in during lunch in Baeza/Jordan? Ask about grades
-Go to youth hour
Thats pretty much all I got planned out for tomorrow.
All nighter tonight, straight up work work and working.
All I need is a sandwich, a pack of binder paper, a pencil, and
"Chill Underground Hip Hop" playlist on imeem.com, peep it. 8)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Time to get serious about work again cuz.
May not be a lot, but in addition to enrichment, and all the clubs, new things to adjust to,
and job[?], it'll be hectic.
But like I said in Mrs. Jordan's class, I like feeling the pressure. Living on the edge,
not too far off, but not too much in the safe zone,
It's kind of a thrill.
This looks like my kind of roller coaster.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Feeling the cutt.
But ain't got no bladee.
It ain't yo actions, but what you sayy.
Went to some of the budget cut board meeting.
People from every district came, it was good seeing
familiar people.
Saw...her today.
It was alright.
I didn't really feel very magical like I thought it would be, lol.
But it's okay,
Nothing is ever perfect the first try.
It ain't yo actions, but what you sayy.
Went to some of the budget cut board meeting.
People from every district came, it was good seeing
familiar people.
Saw...her today.
It was alright.
I didn't really feel very magical like I thought it would be, lol.
But it's okay,
Nothing is ever perfect the first try.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Oh well,
Today was just one of those days.
Bittersweet, mostly bitter though.
I had tons of fun at church today,
felt really good.
I felt confidence, and encouragement, and all these things I never felt in a long time.
For once it just made me feel happy to be alive.
I had all the things a kid could ever want!
Loving parents, a cool bro, nice kicks, sick fits.
I got friends who are down for anything,
and I work hard in school and off school.
The only thing I lack..is her.
Dude, how do you think I feel about this?
You always seem to ignore me when I most need you.
You never reply to calls or texts when I felt like I needed them most.
Am I invisible?
You have your own life to live, and I don't expect you to always include me in it.
I know that you aren't sure about us yet. But to me, it felt like you were!
Today just really made me feel different, and idk.
I'm still here, I'm still waiting. But, how much longer can I keep this up?
You only pay attention when theres something benefiting you in it.
All I ask for in return is your love. Is that so wrong?
The guys around you like you. A lot. And you said, not to try to win you over.
That was before I realized that I was in a race.
Who gives a fck if I can run a 5:34 mile. If I can't even win this race,
Why bother trying to win any other ones?
I don't wanna wait in vain for your love;
I don't wanna wait in vain for your love.
From the very first time I blessed my eyes on you, girl,
My heart says follow t'rough.
But I know, now, that I'm way down on your line,
But the waitin' feel is fine:
So don't treat me like a puppet on a string,
'Cause I know I have to do my thing.
Don't talk to me as if you think I'm dumb;
I wanna know when you're gonna come - soon.
Tomorrow I'm gonna ask you how your day was, and how you are.
Like I always do.
Nothing changed, this is just me expressing myself.
Whether you take this into consideration is all up to you,
but either way It's still not gonna change.
When I see you next, coming up soon eh?
I'm gonna have the biggest smile on my face,
and hopefully then you can see why I care about you.
I never really showed it to you in person before.
But I hope by then you can see that I do.
Even more than every other guy whose entered into your life as I did.
Bittersweet, mostly bitter though.
I had tons of fun at church today,
felt really good.
I felt confidence, and encouragement, and all these things I never felt in a long time.
For once it just made me feel happy to be alive.
I had all the things a kid could ever want!
Loving parents, a cool bro, nice kicks, sick fits.
I got friends who are down for anything,
and I work hard in school and off school.
The only thing I lack..is her.
Dude, how do you think I feel about this?
You always seem to ignore me when I most need you.
You never reply to calls or texts when I felt like I needed them most.
Am I invisible?
You have your own life to live, and I don't expect you to always include me in it.
I know that you aren't sure about us yet. But to me, it felt like you were!
Today just really made me feel different, and idk.
I'm still here, I'm still waiting. But, how much longer can I keep this up?
You only pay attention when theres something benefiting you in it.
All I ask for in return is your love. Is that so wrong?
The guys around you like you. A lot. And you said, not to try to win you over.
That was before I realized that I was in a race.
Who gives a fck if I can run a 5:34 mile. If I can't even win this race,
Why bother trying to win any other ones?
I don't wanna wait in vain for your love;
I don't wanna wait in vain for your love.
From the very first time I blessed my eyes on you, girl,
My heart says follow t'rough.
But I know, now, that I'm way down on your line,
But the waitin' feel is fine:
So don't treat me like a puppet on a string,
'Cause I know I have to do my thing.
Don't talk to me as if you think I'm dumb;
I wanna know when you're gonna come - soon.
Tomorrow I'm gonna ask you how your day was, and how you are.
Like I always do.
Nothing changed, this is just me expressing myself.
Whether you take this into consideration is all up to you,
but either way It's still not gonna change.
When I see you next, coming up soon eh?
I'm gonna have the biggest smile on my face,
and hopefully then you can see why I care about you.
I never really showed it to you in person before.
But I hope by then you can see that I do.
Even more than every other guy whose entered into your life as I did.
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